That’s how it was introduced yesterday morning on CNN! I started getting tweets and notifications on Facebook. An old radio friend of mine was quick enough to snap this picture… Yea I was closing my eyes. But hey we all close our eyes occasionally right?

This was an amazing experience.
This experience however came with many mixed emotions. I found out about this opportunity as my father was battling Stage 4 Lung Cancer. I tried so hard to tell him his girl was going to be on CNN! He was very ill leading up to the days when he joined the Lord. I can only hope he understood that I was really going to be featured on CNN. He probably thought I was crazy, I thought it was crazy when they asked me to do it. Little ol’ me, on national TV!
My dad lost his battle to cancer on April 11th. My grandmother also passed way the following day, April 12th for other medical reasons. This has been the most difficult year of my life. My dad was a musician, when he lost his father he still had to play a gig. I knew the show must go on.
We buried my dad April 18th, ACM Weekend in the country world. It was in Dallas for the first time. Many of my radio colleagues still made my father’s wake despite the biggest weekend for country music, which I appreciated immensely. Three days later, I had this shoot with CNN. The show did have to go on.
Here is the video. I know my father would’ve been so proud. I not only leave you with my video from CNN’s Travel Insider, but a video of my father I made of him doing his thing.
Hope you get to catch the CNN segment on TV! They’ll be airing it a few more times. Here it is below!
Here’s a video I made for my dad for Father’s Day.