Beware of Red Tuesday – The Busiest Break-up Day of the Year.

broken_heart1That’s today folks!

Today is Fat Tuesday, yes. That’s awesome. Turns out it’s already Red Tuesday. I was unaware of this tidbit. The Tuesday before Valentine’s Day is the day you’re most likely to get dumped! What?

Yeah. Evidently, since love is in the air, it may spark some people to question their relationships and ask themselves if they’re really into the relationship. And if you’re unlucky today, the breakup may happen through text. 26% of heartbreakers will do it via text, with 24% choosing to face you in person, and 22% breaking things off over the phone. 13% will break up using Facebook, 10% will use WhatsApp and 7% will Tweet out their emotions. I really don’t understand why people would do this over a phone call or text. Grow some courage, do it in person if that’s what you’ll be doing today.

And to you that’s getting your heart broken soon, you deserved better anyways! 🙂

