Today is CRITICAL – Your Help Is Needed For Women’s Health Rights in Texas

UPDATE:  We are BACK ON the agenda for tomorrow’s Senate Committee hearing! Your emails have helped. Keep emailing your senators to get the vote in the senate passed and on to the Governor’s desk!

I’ve been telling you about my friends at Solis Mammography and have been learning more about mammograms – facts and myths. I’ve also learned that the most advanced screening, the 3D mammogram was brought up to the Texas Legislature for a vote that would mandate all insurance companies to cover it’s costs, but House Bill 1036 has hit a massive roadblock. As I mentioned on the air last week, it was passed unanimously by the Texas House of Representatives. Then went to the Texas Senate. This week it’s been pulled twice from the agenda of the Business and Commerce Committee. Since the legislative session ends May 29, that’s not a good sign. We can’t let another two years go by before the issue is revisited by the Texas Legislature. We need to mandate insurance coverage of 3D mammography today. You can click here to send a message to your Texas Senator and ask them to support this bill.

If you live in Tarrant or Dallas counties, Senator Hancock may represent you and you can send him a letter via this website: If you live elsewhere, please consider sending him an email at [email protected], or calling his office at (512) 463-0109.

More on 3D mammogram:

You may normally get the 2D which is like looking at all the pages of a book compressed — you can only see the front and back cover. A 3D mammogram flips the book open and you’re allowed to look at the breast page-by-page, You’re looking at 60 different images of the breast tissue, in slices. And that way you can see much more what’s going on behind the tissue and the density of the breast. The increased accuracy of 3D reduces the number of call-backs by as much as 30%, sparing us the anxiety, inconvenience and expense of going back for further imaging.
