Thomas Rhett Is Excited To Spend His First Christmas With His Kids

First time father, Thomas Rhett says that he’s looking forward to his first Christmas with his kids.  Earlier this year, along with his wife, Lauren, Rhett adopted Willa Gray from Uganda in May of 2017.  Their other baby Ada James, was born just three months later on Aug. 12.

Rhett says that he believes that his children will feel that same sense of anxious excitement that he  experienced when he was a kid going to sleep on Christmas Eve night, and is looking forward to experiencing that thrilling feeling along with his two girls.

“You know, growing up, waiting for Christmas felt like you were sitting there waiting for six years,” he says. “And now that we have kids, I do think that little anxious feeling of ‘God it’s gonna take me forever to fall asleep tonight’ is gonna be back–because we know that that’s what Willa and Ada are thinking about. So, it’ll be fun.”
