Brett Eldredge took a different type of Spring Break

Brett Eldredge decided to take a break from ALL social media, to actually step back and appreciate real life.  He traded in his smartphone for a flip phone, which he says was a necessary change.  How was flip phone life? Brett says it was a breath of fresh air, he wasn’t tempted to check the news 24/7 and was always present in his friends conversations instead of constantly checking someone’s story.

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To start 2019, I am going to go back in time to 2002. That was the year I got my first color flip phone with a lil megapixel camera on it…I felt like a bad ass…I would carry it everywhere I went but never look at it to check the never ending “Breaking News” or constantly compare my life to someone else’s…I wouldn’t sit at the dinner table and be halfway paying attention to my buddies convo’s because I was watching someone’s story about how good, or bad they were at “Flossing” or how quick someone could chug a bottle of vodka and do a triple backflip into a pool…I was there, in the moment, with my friends, with life…Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of amazing things about a smart phone…but I gotta take a moment to experiment and see what it’s like to be here, RIGHT NOW, lost in the music and not in a screen…if ya need me, I’ll be on the T9 text machine…here goes the #FlipPhoneChallnege Happy new year! Love Brett

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He’s now BACK on social media, and says he’s now “here more than ever”.  The break helped him write music on a “much deeper level”.  Read more here, and we’re definitely looking forward to the music that’s come from this social media hiatus!!!

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oh hey, yes, I’ve been gone a bit but damnit if I’m not HERE more than I’ve ever been…Getting away from the noise and into feeling life and the sunsets and the rain and everything…damn its a powerful thing…I love music more than ever and hell I even love myself (sometimes ya forget to do that🙄)…oh and I love you all and the love that you show me! I am creating music on such a deeper level than ever and now getting back to playing live, it’s all starting to make sense…I’m not saying it’s all sunshine and rainbows, life is life, but it can and will be beautiful! I can’t wait to see you all…this whole flip phone thing has been amazing, you really realize how much time ya spend staring at a screen and not in the moment 😬 I got a Polaroid camera and am mailing pictures to my team of this journey…so if you were wondering, I’m alive and well, and I can’t wait for what’s to come…see ya soon

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