Jerry Jones AND Mark Cuban donate to help DISD recover from tornadoes

During a ceremony before Thomas Jefferson’s homecoming football game, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones announced a $1 million dollar donation will be made by the Gene & Jerry Jones family foundation and the NFL Foundation to help rebuild the Thomas Jefferson football field that was destroyed by a tornado.  Jerry said “Without a doubt, the foundation of sports at the professional level where the Dallas Cowboys play, the foundation is right here on this field – here with our amateur sports and it’s here with our youth.”

As if this wasn’t fantastic enough, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban saw the story, and immediately tweeted that he would MATCH that donation (after he already donated $100,000 to the Dallas Education Foundation).

It all started when Mark Cuban made this surprise announcement not he Hawkeye in the Morning Show last week


10 tornadoes hit the metroplex on October 20th, causing about $2 billion in damages.  If you would like to help, there are plenty of ways to get involved here.


AND – read more about the generosity of our Dallas sports owners here!
