Jake Owen Writes “Alabama Hannah” Song After Her Appearance on The Bachelor

The internet was having a meltdown after Jake Owen took to Twitter, with an original country song, written just for “Alabama Hannah”, Hannah Brown. For starters, Jake Owen did clear up beforehand, he’s met Hannah and she’s a really nice girl. Check out the song, it’s really supposed to be funny, but turns out it’s a good song too. The lyrics are just below the video.


Alabama Hannah

What do you want if it’s love that ya need

Well, then honey it’s gone

Well, you had your chances

So why don’t ya leave me alone

Alabama Hannah

Why don’t you go on back home

Cause I’ve been out here in California

I’ve been soakin’ up the sun

there’s lots of pretty ladies

i cant just pick one

I’ve flying high got peace mind

Already  raise the bar

Now you’re showing up here tonight

Who do you think are

Alabama Hannah

Wont  you roll with the tide

Alabama Hannah

Wipe them tears from your eyes

 You’re a beauty queen and a dancing star, and i think you’ll do just fine

Alabama Hannah

Lord, honey get out of my life.

Read More: Jake Owen Writes ‘Bachelorette’ Song “Alabama Hannah” + The Internet Gets Ticked | https://wyrk.com/jake-owen-writes-bachelorette-song-alabama-hannah-the-internet-gets-ticked/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

