The Second Date Update Glossary of Terms

New to Second Date Update? Here are some frequently used term to get you up to speed

Chiliwagon – A person who has been mentioned on several episodes of Second Date Update, usually coming to the rescue of a friend

Microcheating – Doing something small that isn’t cheating but is behavior that isn’t acceptable

The Good People – A term loosely used for the people who listen to the show, comment on Second Date Update or play Michelle’s College of Hollywood Knowledge.

Hammer Texts – The act of sending a large number of texts in a relatively short period of time

The Hold Move – A move the Hawkeye and Michelle often employ, putting one caller on hold and then imploring the other caller to change their tone and perhaps even apologize.

Lobster Boppin’ – A move at a bar, where a person keeps popping up all over the establishment trying to make a connection

Naturally Occurring Date – A meeting or occurrence that isn’t a date, but one of the two people who attending this meeting, thinks that it is.

Red Flag Factory – A person who has numerous red flags

Beige Flag – Behavior that isn’t a red flag, but does have some cause for concern

Soft Launch – The act of posting photos only on your date’s hands or feet, waiting to post pictures of their face and body until you are in a committed relationship

The Trade Show Model – A person who has appeared on numerous edition of Second Date Update, the self proclaimed ‘Cream of the Crop.’ You need to bring your A Game if you want to date her.

Wait, What? – A phrase often uttered by Hawkeye and Michelle when a previously unknown fact about the date is revealed.

Hear new episodes of Second Date Update weekday mornings at 8:20. Check out our Archive here
