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Pet For A Vet names chosen – Toby and Dolly

Thank you to all who donated and voted for names for our latest puppy to be added to the rosters of service dogs for US Veterans with mobility issues. THe name you chose for our latest pups:

Toby and Dolly

Pet for a Vet is an effort of New Country 96.3 and the Hawkeye in the Morning Show to sponsor a puppy with Patriot PAWS Service Dogs, and follow our sponsored puppy through two years of training.

Make a small sacrifice for those who made a great sacrifice!

Our Goal is to sponsor a service animal for a veteran with mobility issues.

CLICK HERE to donate and help us sponsor a puppy with Patriot PAWS

During the pup’s training, which takes about two years, our sponsored dog will be working toward the goal of becoming a fully certified public access service dog for a disabled Veteran.

About Patriot PAWS
The mission of Patriot PAWS is to train and provide service dogs of the highest quality at no cost to disabled American Veterans and others with mobile disabilities in order to help restore their physical and emotional independence.  Patriot PAWS builds partnerships with local, state and national organizations to help develop and support this goal. Click here for available Patriot Paws Sponsorships!


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