Michelle’s Little Miracles

The Sam Pack Family of Dealerships and New Country 96.3 understand that helping our community is our top core value. If you know someone who is in need of an item or service that could make a huge impact in their life. Nominations are open now: Submit Your Nominations By Clicking Here: Michelle’s Little Miracles Nominations

Check some of the Little Miracles we’ve been able to grant thanks to our friends at Sam Pack Family of Dealerships

Rosie nominated Stephanie who is part of an organization working to get a place called ‘Casa Mia’ up and running. Casa Mia helps women who are pregnant and with infant children get back on their feet who are recovering after substance abuse.

We talked to Sharon who saw a need for winter coats for children she worked with in her school’s head start program. She noticed that many of the kids came to school during cold weather days without coats, because their families were unable to afford the. Sam Pack Family of Dealerships helped provide winter wear for these kids.

Saira and her family lost their home and everything in it during the tornado that hit the Valley View area back in May. Our friends at Sam Pack Auto Group offered to help her during our Michelle’s Little Miracle segment try to ease some of the burden but the need is great. They’re living out of a hotel after losing everything. We decided to share their GoFundMe page is you’re so inclined to help this good family by clicking here: GoFundMe Page

Stacia was nominated by her daughter Ashley who told us about a recent cancer battle Stacia had faced, luckily now in remission. She was left with some other health issues that have made it difficult for her to simply walk and get around to do everyday things. Listen to us surprise her with something she very much needs to help her get around.

Christopher was nominated after losing his job and welcoming a baby with his girlfriend Cheyenne. He’s been struggling to find a job as they both care for their 2 month-old baby. We surprised him with news that we could help him out with some of those essentials for the baby thanks to our friends at Sam Pack.

James and Eileen’s daughter Sam, wrote us to tell us how her parents have been going through really tough times. He father suddenly was laid off work and they’ve not fallen behind on their bills, but especially their mortgage. James has his CDL license but is still having a hard time finding a job immediately. We surprised them during this call, we offered to help with their mortgage payments.

Brandon’s wife Sarah told us about everything that Brandon and the family had been through. Sickness, his mother’s passing, injuries and surgeries, but through it all, Brandon has remained optimistic. A father of 3, all he really wanted was to attend a Rangers game. We surprised him with tickets to unplug with his family. 

Kimberly emailed us about her longtime friend Brandy who’s a mother of 4 and has been through two kidney transplants. Her boyfriend lost her job during all this when he was caring for her and they’ve found themselves in some difficult times. They’ve been behind on rent, bills and just everything. Our friends at Sam Pack wanted to help out a little to help them catch up some on their rent. Listen to her story.

Laura and her family have sacrificed so much of themselves to create and run a non profit school for children with special needs / learning disadvantages. They dont even make a profit. they just genuinely want to help children with education. We surprised her with funds to be able to make improvements to the school or cover tuition for families who can’t pay.

Christie was nominated for Michelle’s Little Miracles by her friend Ashley who let us know that in the past month, this family has been through a lot. Christie’s husband was coaching his sons little league team, when he collapsed and never got back up. He left behind 3 young kids. We surprised her with a call and offered to help them with Christmas gifts this year.

Corey got an unexpected call from us after he was nominated for Michelle’s Little Miracles. He’s a disabled Marine vet who’s always helping others and is now going through a tough time himself. He has medical issues that prevent him from getting around. He needed a mobility scooter to be able to have more freedom to enjoy life a little. Listen to us surprise him with the gift of a scooter.

We surprised Tasha who was nominated for Michelle’s Little Miracles. She told us about a tumor she’s had in her uterus. She’s been putting off the surgery for a year. Our friends at Sam Pack Five Star Family of Dealerships stepped in to cover her high deductible so she could finally have that much needed surgery to remove her tumor. 

Ashley contacted us to tell us about her sister Christy and her niece Kylie. Kylie has battled Leukemia for a year at Cook Children’s and was recently diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis in her hip, another devastating condition for a child who’s recently celebrate her 9th birthday. For her birthday, Kylie wanted to go to the rodeo but because of financial restraints, the family wasn’t able to make that happen for her. We surprised Christy with the news.

Brad’s daughter Leah contacted us about her dad and what they had recently been through. Brad lost his mom, his wife of 19 years, his job and their home. This all happened in a span of a few months. Despite all this, Brad helped Leah get through her high school graduation with an optimistic outlook on life that left us all feeling grateful to have heard Brad’s motivating words. 

Carrisia was nominated by her friend Samantha who informed us of Carrisia’s medical condition that had her confined to a wheelchair. She’s had a difficult time getting a new one through her insurance and it’s been drawn out for at least a couple years. She’s launched her own small business, Carries Sweetz to help generate income for herself. Our friends at Sam Pack Auto Group helped us grant this Little Miracle.

The Morgan family nominated Teressa and her 17 year-old daughter India who’s a senior at Allen High and was diagnosed with a chronic illness. She hasn’t been able to eat for 2 months, on a feeding tube, with graduation later this month. They are not only going through health issues but also the financial burden that comes along with that. Listen to us grant a little miracle to this family.

We got to talk to Ms. Faye who we got to know through her physical therapist, Rhonda. Ms. Faye has been dealing with a lot. She was involved in a hit-and-run accident where she was left with injuries that have required to her go to physical therapy. To make things worse, she recently lost her home to a fire. We got to surprise her this morning. Listen to the conversation below.

Rachael’s son was diagnosed with leukemia in September and on Valentines Day received a bone marrow transplant from his 7 year-old brother. Rachael has been living with her son out of the hospital for the last few months. It’s been tough on the whole family. Rachael, with everything going on, could only think of how they could bring awareness to BeTheMatch.org that helps others find bone marrow matches. 

We were contacted by Nurse Lori who treats her patient Terri and has come to know her family and the story about their adopted daughter. We learned that not only is Terri dealing with MS herself, but their daughter Kylie is going through treatment as well, life has not been easy as they deal with all this. Listen to their story below.

We got contacted by Grace who called us about her student, Kagen. She told us how his parents were having serious medical issues that were really making it hard for them to care of Kagen who is ultimately having to move in with an older brother so he can be taken care of. We were able to grant them $2500 to help thanks to Sam Pack Auto Group

We were able to help out Felicia and her husband who lost her home while going through some health issues. She’s given back so much to her community through her church and Celebrate Recovery helping house people who have been through tough times. A couple years ago, they adopted a newborn which they care for and just needed the essentials as they’ve moved to a mobile home after being displaced. Listen to her story as we surprise her with $2500.

Jennifer contacted us to tell us about her sister Adriana who has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer which we found out had spread. She put off the surgery for as long as she could due to lack of funds, until her family insisted she didn’t to get it done. Adriana is a hard working 26 year-old mother of four. Sam Pack Auto Group was able to give her $5000 towards that surgery.

Milana was just diagnosed with Stage 4 gastric cancer. Her mom along with other people who know her nominated her for Michelle’s Little Miracles and let us know her situation. She’s a mom of a 2-year-old and has a wedding coming up in October. She wanted a wig made of real hair as she goes through her chemo treatments. We were able to surprise her with that news, she will soon get fitted for that wig worth thousands of dollars.

Kimberely contacted us about her fiancé Raylin just learned to walk on his own after an accident. He had multiple neck, leg and back injuries and had to do rehab on his own at home because of the lack of insurance. Kimberely works 2 full time jobs to be able to provide for both of them. With his disability, their bed isn’t big enough and one had to sleep on out couch, they just needed a bigger bed and we were able to grant that miracle.

Debrah nominated Kasey was born with childhood glaucoma and cataracts. During his childhood he suffered retina detachment, later cornea transplant. He’s undergone over 40 surgeries and considered legally blind. These glasses he’s asking for would allow him to actually drive and read something as simple food menus on his own without help.

Norma contacted us to let us know about her friend Carlene who’s home was burned down and she has experienced significant loss this year. Listen to her story and how Sam Pack Family of Dealerships have offered to help out.

We were contacted by Megan’s sister, Ashely – regarding her nephew who has been going through some serious medical issues. We wanted to help this family, listen to their story below.

Shena contacted us about her brother and mom. Her brother, Robert has mobility issues and the lack of a ramp and decent wheelchair has had him confined to his house. We wanted to surprise them with this gift from our friends at Sam Pack. Listen below
