Would You Try This New Electric Blue Wine?

gikI’m tempted to call it Smurf juice. I wonder if it makes your teeth turn blue? Anyways, this different looking wine is probably going to appeal to many millennials and probably be a hit at 4th of July parties when you serve up Red, White and Blue Wine. We’ll have to wait for this smurf… err blue wine for bit though. For now, the company that makes it, serves it up in Spain… where its made.

So the good news, Gik the Blue Wine maker says it contains no added sugars. They use non-caloric sweeteners, its not aged. They use organic pigments extracted from the skin of red grapes and apparently, it tastes good. They recommend sippin’ it chilled, and say it’s “slightly acid, with a sudden cheerful, sweet burst” tasting notes pair well with, well, everything: sushi, guacamole and nachos, tzatziki sauce, pasta carbonara and smoked salmon.

You can find out more about it here, on their website.



