Kenny Chesney Launches “Love for Love City” Foundation for Hurricane Irma Relief & Records New Music

Kenny Chesney Launches “Love for Love City” Foundation for Hurricane Irma Relief & Records New Music

After Hurricane Irma destroyed his home in St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands last week, Kenny Chesney promised to help those affected by the devastation, saying, “I don’t know right now how we’re going to do this. But I want to help. I want to enlist my friends to figure out the best ways to make a difference, to help in whatever ways, small or larger, that we can . . . Give us a few days to figure this out.”

True to his word, Kenny has launched the Love for Love City Foundation to support Hurricane Irma relief. “Love City” is St. John’s nickname.

Those interested in supporting the Foundation can do so online via PayPal, by purchasing Love City merchandise, mailing a check, making cash contributions via Wire or ACH transfer or by contributing Marketable Securities. More info can be found on Kenny’s website.

It also looks like Kenny will soon release new music in a fundraising effort.

According to Kenny’s Twitter post yesterday (Sept. 11), he is back “in studio recording music to help the Virgin Islands.”

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