Protect Yourself from Internet Trolls!

Stop the trolls from letting you know spoilers for the about-to-be-released “Avengers: Endgame” or the recent episodes of “Game of Thrones.” On Twitter go to the Muted Words section. This little known section of your Twitter settings will allow you to automatically block specific words from your notifications and timeline. Go nuts: Block “Avengers,” “Endgame,” “leak,” “leaks,” and “spoilers,” but that’s not all. While you’re in there go ahead and list every character in the Marvel Comics Universe, every plot point, and anything else you can think of that trolls might try to ruin.

There’s even a nifty plug-in you can download to Google Chrome to automatically save yourself from accidentally seeing a spoiler for anything related to the new Game of Thrones Episodes.

READ MORE here and save yourself!
