Our Latest Second Date Update Video – Was It Theft or Just Someone Being Ridiculous?

What did Nick accuse Ella of stealing?  Is Elle guilt or innocent?  Or is Nick being ridiculous?


We can’t decide if this couple are a perfect pair? Or the worst two people who’ve ever appeared on Second Date Update?


The episode that our Corporate Office didn’t want you to hear.  Melanie didn’t want a second date with a gentleman who . . . wasn’t named Rick.  The Banned Second Date Update Episode:


Courtney was not too Happy with the “Benefit Situation” Blake has with his ex wife. One of our most talked about Second Date Update’s ever



We still can’t believe that someone called the show because their “Serious Boyfriend” might have been on Second Date Update.  Hear the episode and the call afterwards.


Neil can’t understand why he didn’t get a Second Date with Pamela.  After all, he’s go “The Closer”

At the end of the video, check out the new country song based on this episode, by Fletcher Moudy and Jessica McVey


See all our Second Date Videos on the Hawkeye in the Morning YouTube Channel


