Benefitting Cook Children’s Hospital – Our winning designs for the latest Second Date Update T Shirts. Designed by you! The winning new shirt designs are ON SALE NOW here Up close view of the winning design

Benefitting Cook Children’s Hospital – Our winning designs for the latest Second Date Update T Shirts. Designed by you! The winning new shirt designs are ON SALE NOW here Up close view of the winning design
Check out what Hawkeye uses to kill weeds in his driveway
Jason Aldean recently joined Hawkeye and Michelle and the topic of Real Housewives of Nashville came up. Did Jason Aldean spill the beans? Is there actually going to be a Real Housewives of Nashville?
Michelle’s texting auto correct error was so horribly funny that Apple should consider discontinuing the iPhone. Hear for yourself what happened.
Texans are allowed to shop and compare electric rates and choose their own provider. But some consider it a confusing process. Hawkeye’s latest DIY video simplifies the process for choosing an electric plan and saving you money
Gary LaVox, lead sing of Rascal Flatts was a recent guest of the Hawkeye in the Morning Show. During the visit with Hawkeye and Michelle, did he divulge the real reason the band is breaking up?
Is Zach, the Wichita Falls Animal Control Officer single? Hawkeye and Michelle caught up with Zach Majewski to ask him about his situation and how he has been handling being a viral sensation.
Hawkeye’s First DIY Video – How to keep the Swiffer Pad on the Swiffer Mop After Hawkeye’s wife had a car power outage and was locked in the car, he produced this video to help people get out of the car. Here is Michelle’s video: Which is only 15 seconds long
therHawkeye and Michelle were quite surprised to find out that Chaz went out with the infamous Trade Show Model recently. Hear the episode that featured her latest appearances and enjoy the new song from Fletcher Moudy and Jessica McVey that celebrates her comeback Check out the original appearances of The Trade Show Model on Second…
Recently on the Hawkeye in the Morning Show, both Hawkeye and Michelle thought that Cassidy sounded familiar. It was confirmed when she revealed that she was a “Trade Show Model” and had been on the show before. The Return of the Trade Show Model The Original Appearance of the Trade Show Model