Category Archives: Hawkeye in the Morning Blog

Happy BroLumbus Day!

Happy BroLumbus Day!

What is BroLumbus Day?   BroLumbus Day celebrates International Brotherhood and Good Times. When is BroLumbus Day? BroLumbus Day is the Friday before Columbus Day. Who Invented BroLumbus Day? – BroLumbus Day was invented by Hawkeye, who wanted a companion holiday to Galentine’s Day, the girls night out on February 13th When was the first BroLumbus Day?…

Hawkeye in the Morning’s  April Fools Visit to JurassicTexas

Hawkeye in the Morning’s April Fools Visit to JurassicTexas Were you one of the many who were fooled by a April Fools Day reports from JurassicTexas?  If you really wanted to see animatronic dinosaurs, may we suggest a visit this summer to the Dallas Zoo’s Dino Exhibit. In the meantime, enjoy the 911 call of the robotic dinosaur that blocked the…
