Category Archives: Hawkeye in the Morning Blog

Dustin Lynch Calls In To Play The “Yes/No” Game

Dustin Lynch Calls In To Play The “Yes/No” Game

Everyone wants to beat Hawkeye at the Yes/No game, even Dustin Lynch. We got to congratulate him for his number one song with MacKenzie Porter, “Thinkin’ Bout You” and have him on to play the Yes/No game. How did he do? Check it out below.

Hawkeye and Michelle’s Adventure at Urban Air Trampoline Park

Hawkeye and Michelle’s Adventure at Urban Air Trampoline Park

Hawkeye and Michelle had a chance to stop by Urban Air Adventure Park in McKinney as part of the 10,000 cards for the Troops. While they were there they decided to join in the fun! Check it out: We have once again partnered with Support Our Soldiers to send holiday cards to the brave men…

Mark Cuban address the NBA Shirts vs Skin game

Mark Cuban address the NBA Shirts vs Skin game

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban recently joined the Hawkeye in the Morning Show and discussed a upcoming NBA Shirts vs Skin game. We late found this site that also discussed the game

Mark Cuban Stops By To Talk Mavs with Hawkeye and Michelle

Mark Cuban Stops By To Talk Mavs with Hawkeye and Michelle

If you missed the interview with Mark Cuban this morning, he stopped by before the home opener against the Rockets. Hawkeye and Michelle had to ask him about the underground tunnel that leads from the American Airlines Center to his new music venue across I-35. Catch the whole interview below.

Did Michael Ray remember his promise to Hawkeye?

Did Michael Ray remember his promise to Hawkeye?

During a recent visit to town, Michael Ray made a promise to Hawkeye. Michelle put Michael on the spot recently to see if he remembered his promise? Click here to find out more about Hawkeye’s first book, The Travis Club, as mentioned my Michael Ray

Pet for a Vet –  Meet Hawkeye the Service Dog in Training

Pet for a Vet – Meet Hawkeye the Service Dog in Training

  Hawkeye in the Service Dog in Training has started its 2 year journey to learn the skills necessary to assist a US Veteran with mobility issues.  Recently Hawkeye (the DJ) and Michelle got to meet Hawkeye (the Puppy) Pet for a Vet is an effort of New Country 96.3 and the Hawkeye in the…

Hawkeye and Michelle nominated for the Marconi Award

Hawkeye and Michelle nominated for the Marconi Award

The Hawkeye in the Morning Show received word that they were nominees for the 2021 National Association of Broadcasters Marconi Award, for Major Market Personalities of the Year. It’s the first time that Hawkeye and Michelle Rodriguez have been nominated for the top award in radio.
