Photos by Lindsay Scarlatelli

Photos by Lindsay Scarlatelli
During Michelle’s 2024 maternity leave, an All Star Roster of Guest Hosts filler her chair. A look back at our guests and some of our favorite moments August 21: Sean and Catherine Lowe from the Bachelor Ausguest 22: Candy Havens August 23: Paranormal Expert Julie Fisk and Country Star Drake Milligan August 26: CBS Texas…
When Mom-to-be, Rachel Ryan heard that Cook Children’s had used all off the diapers collected for Hawkeye and Michelle’s Diaper Drive, she stepped up and together we collected 23,424 diapers for North Texas Families! Thousands of patients and patients’ families at Cook Children’s Medical Centers will have one less thing to worry about thanks to…
Find out how to save big bucks at the fair plus where you can park for free! Did you know your leftover State Fair coupons are still good next year? Do you know where can you get cheap drinks at the State Fair . Do you know where the free parking is located? Or where…
4000 volunteers showed up on September 14th for the Largest Feed the City Event Ever with Hawkeye and Michelle. The event, held at Texas Live in Arlington, reached capacity when 4000 volunteers showed up to partictate in the 2024 edition of Hawkeye and Michelle’s Feed the City. 41,250 meals were made, packed in boxes and…
1920s Reporter Guy Scoops Callaghan (aka Tom Gribble) attended a post game press conference at a recent WNBA game (Indiana Fever vs Dallas Wings). Unfortunately, the Fever’s PR guy shut down Scoops before Caitlin could answer the question
Photos by Lindsay Scarlatelli
We are so excited to share the first pictures of Michelle and Tim’s new baby, Diego. Information on Diego’s new air shift coming soon!
Photos by Elijah Smith
The August 2024 Issue of D Magazine featured their “Best of Issue” and named Hawkeye in the Morning with Hawkeye and Michelle as the top radio show in DFW.