Category Archives: Home Page Blog Feed

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Hawkeye and Michelle’s Adventure at Urban Air Trampoline Park

Hawkeye and Michelle’s Adventure at Urban Air Trampoline Park

Hawkeye and Michelle had a chance to stop by Urban Air Adventure Park in McKinney as part of the 10,000 cards for the Troops. While they were there they decided to join in the fun! Check it out: We have once again partnered with Support Our Soldiers to send holiday cards to the brave men…

Mark Cuban Stops By To Talk Mavs with Hawkeye and Michelle

Mark Cuban Stops By To Talk Mavs with Hawkeye and Michelle

If you missed the interview with Mark Cuban this morning, he stopped by before the home opener against the Rockets. Hawkeye and Michelle had to ask him about the underground tunnel that leads from the American Airlines Center to his new music venue across I-35. Catch the whole interview below.

Spookiest Places in North Texas

Spookiest Places in North Texas

With Halloween just around the corner, Michelle and Al on the Hawkeye in the Morning show, got to to catch up with Julie Fisk from the Haunted AF podcast to talk about the spookiest places in North Texas. If you missed the conversation, catch it here now below. From graveyards where people have experienced activity…

Jimmie Allen Hopes To Join The Cast of Hamilton One Day

Jimmie Allen Hopes To Join The Cast of Hamilton One Day

We got to catch up with Jimmie Allen who talked about his newborn, the Eagles/Cowboys and his interest in joining Broadway one day and maybe even the cast of Hamilton. As you know, Jimmie Allen has been doing amazing as a dancer on Dancing With The Stars, so we had to ask, Broadway in the…

Wanting to Make a Difference on North Texas Giving Day?

Wanting to Make a Difference on North Texas Giving Day?

Here are links to some of our Charitable Partners:  CLICK THE LOGO TO MAKE AN DONATION Hawkeye and Michelle started the Cook Children’s Radiothon in 2014 to assist in prevention of childhood disease. Providing Service Dog for US Veterans with mobility issues, Patriot Paws is our partner with Pet for a Vet We’ve had a…

State Fair of Texas: More New Foods Announced

State Fair of Texas: More New Foods Announced

Last month you heard about the Big Tex Choice Award and the big finalists, well there are more new foods you’ll be able to try this year. Check some fo those out below. Here you’ll find the map on where to find these new foods:  For a full list of new foods and where to…

Did Michael Ray remember his promise to Hawkeye?

Did Michael Ray remember his promise to Hawkeye?

During a recent visit to town, Michael Ray made a promise to Hawkeye. Michelle put Michael on the spot recently to see if he remembered his promise? Click here to find out more about Hawkeye’s first book, The Travis Club, as mentioned my Michael Ray

Pet for a Vet –  Meet Hawkeye the Service Dog in Training

Pet for a Vet – Meet Hawkeye the Service Dog in Training

  Hawkeye in the Service Dog in Training has started its 2 year journey to learn the skills necessary to assist a US Veteran with mobility issues.  Recently Hawkeye (the DJ) and Michelle got to meet Hawkeye (the Puppy) Pet for a Vet is an effort of New Country 96.3 and the Hawkeye in the…
