Category Archives: Home Page Blog Feed

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Here’s How You Can Get The Box The Hot Pink Mac & Cheese

Here’s How You Can Get The Box The Hot Pink Mac & Cheese

This Pink Mac & Cheese will be only available for a limited time and released for Valentines day. The only way to get it is through a giveaway on their site.  They’ll be giving out 1,000 boxes, which will be delivered on February 14th. Enter for the Kraft Mac & Cheese boxes here:   This…

Coors Wants You To Dream Of Their Commercials for the Big Game

Coors Wants You To Dream Of Their Commercials for the Big Game

Since Coors can’t run a commercial during the Super Bowl because Anheuser–Busch is the exclusive national sponsor, Coors thought maybe they can have people dream of their product instead. They enlisted the help of a dream psychologist to incubate their ad in a dream, in their subconscious. To participate, they ask you visit:  More on the dream study…

VIDEO: Groom Throws Whole Wedding Cake at Bride

VIDEO: Groom Throws Whole Wedding Cake at Bride

Kelsey Carson from Tennessee posted this video on TikTok that showed her groom, Tony, throwing their 3-tier cake on to her. Since the video has gone viral. Social media has of course weighed in, saying this is a major red flag and that she should divorce her new husband. Check out the video below.

Hawkeye Vs Michelle – The Songwriting Contest With Dan+Shay as Judges.

Hawkeye Vs Michelle – The Songwriting Contest With Dan+Shay as Judges.

Hawkeye and Michelle tried to replicate the songwriting and producing talents of Dan+Shay. Unfortunately, they may have written and produced two of the worst songs ever written. Thankfully, they were both only 15 seconds long.  Dan+Shay joined the show as celebrity judges to determine who had the best Mini-Song..  Who won the competition?

COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Info/Websites By County

COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Info/Websites By County

Several counties have already launched their own COVID-19 registration/screening websites to get their residents vaccinated as the state gets more of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Here are some helpful websites. Dallas County – Register for the COVID-19 Vaccine with DCHHS (if you get an error page, try back again as they update) More on COVID-19 info…
